The Magnificent Seven is a western film from John Sturges and a remake of the Akira Kurosawa's film The Seven Samurai from 1954.
They were seven - And they fought like seven hundred!
Movie details The Magnificent Seven
Release : 1960-10-23Genre : Action, Adventure, Western
Runtime : 128 minutes
Company : The Mirisch Corporation
Yul Brynner | as | Chris Adams | |
Eli Wallach | as | Calvera | |
Steve McQueen | as | Vin | |
Charles Bronson | as | Bernardo O'Reilly | |
Robert Vaughn | as | Lee | |
Brad Dexter | as | Harry Luck | |
James Coburn | as | Britt | |
Natividad Vaco | as | Tomas | |
Rico Alaniz | as | Sotero | |
Jorge Martnez de Hoyos | as | Hilario | |
Vladimir Sokoloff | as | Old man | |
Rosenda Monteros | as | Petra | |
Horst Buchholz | as | Chico |
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The Magnificent Seven - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Magnificent Seven is a 1960 American western film directed by John Sturges. It is a western-style remake based on Akira Kurosawa's 1954 Japanese film Seven Samurai.
The Magnificent Seven is a 1960 American western film directed by John Sturges. It is a western-style remake based on Akira Kurosawa's 1954 Japanese film Seven Samurai.
The Magnificent Seven (1960) - IMDb
Directed by John Sturges. With Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Eli Wallach. An oppressed Mexican peasant village assembles seven gunfighters to help ...
Directed by John Sturges. With Yul Brynner, Steve McQueen, Charles Bronson, Eli Wallach. An oppressed Mexican peasant village assembles seven gunfighters to help ...
The Magnificent Seven (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Magnificent Seven is an American western television series based on the 1960 movie, which is a remake of the Japanese film Seven Samurai. It aired between 1998 ...
The Magnificent Seven is an American western television series based on the 1960 movie, which is a remake of the Japanese film Seven Samurai. It aired between 1998 ...
The Magnificent Seven - Rotten Tomatoes - Movies | Movie ...
Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai (1954) is westernized as The Magnificent Seven. Yul Brynner plays Chris, a mercenary hired to protect a Mexican ...
Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa's The Seven Samurai (1954) is westernized as The Magnificent Seven. Yul Brynner plays Chris, a mercenary hired to protect a Mexican ...
The Magnificent Seven (TV Series 19982000) - IMDb
Cast bios, crew details, user comments, trivia, goofs, quotes, and production information.
Cast bios, crew details, user comments, trivia, goofs, quotes, and production information.
The Clash - The Magnificent Seven - YouTube
Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add MentalDamaged 's video to your playlist.
Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add MentalDamaged 's video to your playlist.
The Magnificent Seven - Elmer Bernstein - YouTube
Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra Elmer Bernstein wrote the theme songs or other music for more than 200 films and TV shows
Erich Kunzel & Cincinnati Pops Orchestra Elmer Bernstein wrote the theme songs or other music for more than 200 films and TV shows
The Magnificent Seven - Wikiquote
The Magnificent Seven is a 1960 Western film in which Mexican peasant villagers oppressed by bandits hire a group of seven gunfighters to defend them.
The Magnificent Seven is a 1960 Western film in which Mexican peasant villagers oppressed by bandits hire a group of seven gunfighters to defend them.
The Magnificent Seven Wikipdia, a enciclopdia livre
The Magnificent Seven (br: Sete Homens e um Destino pt: Os Sete Magnficos) um filme norte-americano de 1960, do gnero western, dirigido por John Sturges ...
The Magnificent Seven (br: Sete Homens e um Destino pt: Os Sete Magnficos) um filme norte-americano de 1960, do gnero western, dirigido por John Sturges ...
The Magnificent Seven (cancin) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia ...
"The Magnificent Seven" es una cancin y el tercer sencillo del lbum , Sandinista! de la banda punk The Clash . ndice 1 Estilo y letras 2 Historia 3 Curiosidades ...
"The Magnificent Seven" es una cancin y el tercer sencillo del lbum , Sandinista! de la banda punk The Clash . ndice 1 Estilo y letras 2 Historia 3 Curiosidades ...
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