At the beginning of the 20th century, a newspaper organizes an endurance horse race : 700 miles to run in a few days. 9 adventurers are competing, among them a woman, Miss Jones, a Mexican, an Englishman, a young cow-boy, an old one and two friends, Sam Clayton and Luke Matthews. All those individualists will learn to respect each other.
Movie details Bite the Bullet
Release : 1975-09-26Genre : Action, Western
Runtime : 132 minutes
Company :
Gene Hackman | as | Sam Clayton | |
Candice Bergen | as | Miss Jones | |
James Coburn | as | Luke Matthews | |
Ben Johnson | as | Mister | |
Ian Bannen | as | Sir Harry Norfolk | |
Jan-Michael Vincent | as | Carbo | |
Dabney Coleman | as | Jack Parker | |
Sally Kirkland | as | Honey | |
Buddy Van Horn | as | Slim | |
Jean Willes | as | Rosie | |
Mario Arteaga | as | Mexican | |
Robert Donner | as | Reporter |
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Bite The Bullet
Bite The Bullet
Bite The Bullet
Bite the Bullet: Musik Bullet Bite the Bullet jetzt kaufen. Bewertung 4.5, . Pop, Rock, Heavy Metal, Metal Bullet Bite the Bullet jetzt kaufen. Bewertung 4.5, . Pop, Rock, Heavy Metal, Metal | to bite the bullet | Wrterbuch Englisch-Deutsch
bersetzung fr to bite the bullet im Englisch-Deutsch-Wrterbuch
bersetzung fr to bite the bullet im Englisch-Deutsch-Wrterbuch Wrterbuch :: to bite the bullet :: Deutsch-Englisch ...
to bite the bullet die bittere Pille schlucken in den sauren Apfel beienidiom to bite the bullet [fig.] [to accept a negative aspect of a situation in order to ...
to bite the bullet die bittere Pille schlucken in den sauren Apfel beienidiom to bite the bullet [fig.] [to accept a negative aspect of a situation in order to ...
Die Homepage der Berliner Band BITE THE BULLET - News, Gigs, Mp3, Pics, Lyrics
Die Homepage der Berliner Band BITE THE BULLET - News, Gigs, Mp3, Pics, Lyrics
Music video for the song "Bite the Bullet"
Music video for the song "Bite the Bullet"
bite the bullet - Deutsch-bersetzung Linguee Wrterbuch
Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit "bite the bullet" Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von Deutsch-bersetzungen.
Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit "bite the bullet" Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von Deutsch-bersetzungen.
Bullet - Bite The Bullet - Review - Rock -
Bite The Bullet Artikel verffentlicht am 05.09.2008 | 3790 mal gelesen Die verrckten Schweden von BULLET sind zurck, um der Welt eine weitere Lehrstunde in ...
Bite The Bullet Artikel verffentlicht am 05.09.2008 | 3790 mal gelesen Die verrckten Schweden von BULLET sind zurck, um der Welt eine weitere Lehrstunde in ...
Bite the bullet
Bite the bullet - the meaning and origin of this saying.
Bite the bullet - the meaning and origin of this saying.
Motrhead Bite the Bullet Listen and discover music ...
Watch the video & listen to Motrhead Bite the Bullet for free. Bite the Bullet appears on the album Ace of Spades. Motrhead are a British heavy metal band ...
Watch the video & listen to Motrhead Bite the Bullet for free. Bite the Bullet appears on the album Ace of Spades. Motrhead are a British heavy metal band ...
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