Quincy Drew (Garner) and Jason O'Rourke (Gossett) travel from town to town in the south of the United States during the slavery era. Drew claims to be a down-on-his-luck slave owner who is selling O'Rourke as a slave. Quincy gets the bidding rolling, sells Jason, and the two later meet up to split the profit. Jason was born a free man in New Jersey and is very well educated.
Movie details Skin Game
Release : 1971-09-30Genre : Action, Comedy, Western
Runtime : 102 minutes
Company : Cherokee Productions, Warner Bros.
James Garner | as | Quincy Drew / Capt. Nathaniel Mountjoy | |
Louis Gossett, Jr. | as | Jason O'Rourke | |
Susan Clark | as | Ginger / Miss Abigail Blodgett | |
Brenda Sykes | as | Naomi (slave) | |
Ed Asner | as | Plunkett (runaway slave hunter) | |
Andrew Duggan | as | Howard Calloway (plantation owner) | |
Henry Jones | as | Sam Cutler (slave buyer in Fair Shake) | |
Neva Patterson | as | Mrs. Claggart | |
Parley Baer | as | Mr. Claggart | |
George Tyne | as | Henry P.Bonner | |
Royal Dano | as | John Brown | |
J. Pat O'Malley | as | William | |
Joel Fluellen | as | Uncle Abram | |
Napoleon Whiting | as | Ned | |
Juanita Moore | as | Viney |
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Amazon.de: skin game
Skin Game: Gefhrliche Berhrung von Ava Gray und Angela Koonen (Taschenbuch - 13. September 2012) Neu kaufen: EUR 9,99 . 77 neu ab EUR 6,90. 14 gebraucht ab EUR 1,96.
Skin Game: Gefhrliche Berhrung von Ava Gray und Angela Koonen (Taschenbuch - 13. September 2012) Neu kaufen: EUR 9,99 . 77 neu ab EUR 6,90. 14 gebraucht ab EUR 1,96.
Dark Angel - Skin game, Band 2: Amazon.de: Max A. Collins ...
Max A. Collins, Rita Koppers - Dark Angel - Skin game, Band 2 jetzt kaufen. 4 Kundrezensionen und 4.8 Sterne. Belletristik / Science Fiction
Max A. Collins, Rita Koppers - Dark Angel - Skin game, Band 2 jetzt kaufen. 4 Kundrezensionen und 4.8 Sterne. Belletristik / Science Fiction
Gray, Ava - Skin Game - LYX - EGMONT LYX Verlag
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Betrgerin trifft auf sexy Auftragsmrder. Ava Grays Skin-Game-Romane bieten eine tolle Mischung aus Romantic Thrill und Romantic Fantasy - packend, dster und sexy.
Max Allan Collins: Dark Angel - Skin Game
Buchvorstellung: Dark Angel - Skin Game von Max Allan Collins. Leserkommentare zum Buch und weitere Informationen zu Max Allan Collins auf Krimi-Couch.de
Buchvorstellung: Dark Angel - Skin Game von Max Allan Collins. Leserkommentare zum Buch und weitere Informationen zu Max Allan Collins auf Krimi-Couch.de
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Viele bersetzte Beispielstze mit "skin in the game" Deutsch-Englisch Wrterbuch und Suchmaschine fr Millionen von Deutsch-bersetzungen.
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Bcher bei Weltbild: Jetzt Skin Game - Gefhrliche Berhrung von Ava Gray bestellen und per Rechnung bezahlen bei Weltbild, Ihrem Bcher-Spezialisten!
Bcher bei Weltbild: Jetzt Skin Game - Gefhrliche Berhrung von Ava Gray bestellen und per Rechnung bezahlen bei Weltbild, Ihrem Bcher-Spezialisten!
Skin Game (1971) - IMDb
Quincy Drew and his black friend Jason O'Rourke have pulled off every dodge known for conning a well-heeled sucker, but it wasn't until they hit on the old skin game ...
Quincy Drew and his black friend Jason O'Rourke have pulled off every dodge known for conning a well-heeled sucker, but it wasn't until they hit on the old skin game ...
Skin In The Game: Definition from Answers.com
Skin In The Game A term coined by renowned investor Warren Buffett referring to a situation in which high-ranking insiders use
Skin In The Game A term coined by renowned investor Warren Buffett referring to a situation in which high-ranking insiders use
The Skin Game (1931) - IMDb
A rich family, the Hillcrests, is fighting against the speculator, Hornblower, who sends away poor farmers to build factories on their lands. When Mrs. Hillcrest ...
A rich family, the Hillcrests, is fighting against the speculator, Hornblower, who sends away poor farmers to build factories on their lands. When Mrs. Hillcrest ...
Skin Game Eine Variante des Golfspiels, bei dem an jedem Loch um eine bestimmte Geldsumme gespielt wird. Loch und Geld gewinnt der, der die niedrigste Schlagzahl ...
Skin Game Eine Variante des Golfspiels, bei dem an jedem Loch um eine bestimmte Geldsumme gespielt wird. Loch und Geld gewinnt der, der die niedrigste Schlagzahl ...
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