Director Charles Marquis Warren's 1953 western stars Charlton Heston and Jack Palance.
Adobe Walls.Arrowhead, the mere mention of it in Western circles sometimes induces a sharp intake of breath, even a furrowed brow or two. Starring Charlton Heston and Jack Palance, directed by Charles Marquis Warren; who also adapts the screenplay from W.R. Burnett's novel, Adobe Walls, Arrowhead rewrites the Indian Wars and firmly paints the Apache as distrustful thugs. Based in essence on real life Indian scout, Al Seiber, with Heston in the role but named as Ed Bannon here, story is set in Texas 1878 at the Fort Clark cavalry post. Peace has been brokered and the good old cavalry boys have arranged for the Apache, led by a newly educated Toriano (Palance), to be dog tagged and whipped off to some arid land in Florida. However, the pesky Toriano has been plotting a revolution and is ready to lead his people in an all out assault on whitey and to hell with the treaty. Only white dude who smells a rat is Bannon, who with some Indian blood coursing through his veins, hates the Redskins and will never trust them. But the cavalry hate Bannon as well, because he is in the way, causing friction, a hindrance to their wonderful ideas for piece.No surprises for guessing what happens next! If Warren and the big wigs at Paramount Pictures were aware of the racist overtones here in 1953? Is cause for debate. I tend to agree with the theory that puts this as a sort of anti-communist allegory, but of course that doesn't excuse the xenophobic narrative whoever is on the receiving end! Yet surely the makers were genuine in trying to make a good old Cavalry versus Indians actioner? That the picture often meanders and is not carpeted with action, is a little moot, but it is well put together, well acted and looks nice with it's actual real Bracketville location filming (Ray Rennahan on cinematography). Paul Sawtell does one of his robust thematic musical scores, and fine acting support comes from Robert Wilkie and Brian Keith.It's a solid routine Oater, and can be enjoyed if you can forgive it its sins? Forgive them for they know not what they do...or something like that! 6/10
Movie details Arrowhead
Release : 1953-08-03Genre : Action, Western
Runtime : 105 minutes
Company : Paramount Pictures
Charlton Heston | as | Ed Bannon | |
Jack Palance | as | Toriano | |
Katy Jurado | as | Nita | |
Brian Keith | as | Capt. Bill North | |
Mary Sinclair | as | Lela Wilson | |
Milburn Stone | as | Sandy MacKinnon | |
Richard Shannon | as | Lt. Kirk | |
Lewis Martin | as | Col. Weybright | |
Frank Dekova | as | Chief Chattez | |
Robert J. Wilke | as | Sgt. Stone | |
Peter Coe | as | Spanish | |
James K Anderson | as | Jerry August | |
John Pickard | as | John Gunther | |
Pat Hogan | as | Jim Eagle |
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Arrowhead 100% Mountain Spring Water
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Arrowhead Wikipedia
Arrowhead ist die englische Bezeichnung fr eine Pfeilspitze sowie die Bezeichnung fr. Orte in den Vereinigten Staaten: Arrowhead (Jefferson County, Alabama)
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Arrowhead Stadium Wikipedia
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Die Erbauung des Arrowhead Stadium startete 1968, nachdem die Kansas City Chiefs 1967 erstmals im Endspiel der National Football League, dem Super Bowl, standen.
SC ECHING - Tennis in Eching/Mnchen
Unser Team unterrichtet Anfnger, trainiert Fortgeschrittene und coached Wettkampfspieler, egal in welchem Alter. Sommer wie Winter auf einer der schnsten ...
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Arrowheads Artifact Stores is a great place to buy and sell artifacts. To create store on is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Create Your store, add your items and ...
Arrowheads Artifact Stores is a great place to buy and sell artifacts. To create store on is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Create Your store, add your items and ...
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Arrowhead Provincial Park
North of Huntsville. Canadian Shield lands. Shores of the glacial Lake Algonquin. Swimming, canoeing, fishing, cross-country skiing, ski rental, skating. Natural ...
North of Huntsville. Canadian Shield lands. Shores of the glacial Lake Algonquin. Swimming, canoeing, fishing, cross-country skiing, ski rental, skating. Natural ... | arrowhead | Wrterbuch Englisch-Deutsch
bersetzung fr arrowhead im Englisch-Deutsch-Wrterbuch ... Unter folgender Adresse kannst du auf diese bersetzung verlinken: ...
bersetzung fr arrowhead im Englisch-Deutsch-Wrterbuch ... Unter folgender Adresse kannst du auf diese bersetzung verlinken: ...
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