The Apache Indians have reluctantly agreed to settle on a US Government approved reservation. Not all the Apaches are able to adapt to the life of corn farmers. One in particular, Geronimo, is restless. Pushed over the edge by broken promises and necessary actions by the government, Geronimo and thirty or so other warriors form an attack team which humiliates the government by evading capture, whi
Movie details Geronimo: An American Legend
Release : 1993-12-10Genre : Action, Drama, Western
Runtime : 115 minutes
Company : Columbia Pictures
Gene Hackman | as | Brig. Gen. George Crook | |
Robert Duvall | as | Chief of Scouts Al Sieber | |
Wes Studi | as | Geronimo | |
Matt Damon | as | 2nd Lt. Britton Davis | |
Jason Patric | as | Lt. Charles Gatewood |
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Geronimo: An American Legend (1993) - IMDb
Includes cast and crew, user comments, external reviews, awards and nominations, plot summary, soundtrack, film details and promotional material.
Includes cast and crew, user comments, external reviews, awards and nominations, plot summary, soundtrack, film details and promotional material.
Geronimo Eine Legende Wikipedia
Geronimo Eine Legende (Geronimo: An American Legend) ist ein US-amerikanischer Indianer- und Kavalleriewestern von Walter Hill aus dem Jahr 1993.
Geronimo Eine Legende (Geronimo: An American Legend) ist ein US-amerikanischer Indianer- und Kavalleriewestern von Walter Hill aus dem Jahr 1993.
Geronimo: An American Legend (1993) - IMDb
The story of the Apache chief and his armed resistance to the US Government's subjugation of his people.
The story of the Apache chief and his armed resistance to the US Government's subjugation of his people.
Watch Full "Geronimo: An American Legend (1993)" Movie Online ...
Watch full "Geronimo: An American Legend" movie produced in 1993. Genres are Drama, History, Western.
Watch full "Geronimo: An American Legend" movie produced in 1993. Genres are Drama, History, Western.
Geronimo - An American Legend - Rotten Tomatoes
Walter Hill directs John Milius's script (co-written by Larry Gross) depicting a revisionist perspective on the "Geronimo Campaign" and how Geronimo, with 34 men ...
Walter Hill directs John Milius's script (co-written by Larry Gross) depicting a revisionist perspective on the "Geronimo Campaign" and how Geronimo, with 34 men ... Geronimo: An American Legend: Jason Patric, Robert ... Geronimo: An American Legend: Jason Patric, Robert Duvall, Gene Hackman, Wes Studi: Amazon Instant Video Geronimo: An American Legend: Jason Patric, Robert Duvall, Gene Hackman, Wes Studi: Amazon Instant Video
Geronimo: An American Legend (1993) trailer - YouTube
Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add MrWolfgang88 's video to your playlist.
Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add MrWolfgang88 's video to your playlist.
Geronimo - Eine Legende Film 1994 Trailer Kritik
Geronimo - Eine Legende, Als Western Kino Film 1994 von Walter Hill mit Jason Patric, Gene Hackman, Robert Duvall. auf DVD und Blu-ray
Geronimo - Eine Legende, Als Western Kino Film 1994 von Walter Hill mit Jason Patric, Gene Hackman, Robert Duvall. auf DVD und Blu-ray
Geronimo: An American Legend | Trailer and Cast - Yahoo Movies
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Call the Fashion Police: Tom Hardy Has Been Wearing Elton Johns Clothes. Tom Hardy is taking Method acting to a whole new level and by "whole new level" we ...
Geronimo - An American Legend Trailer - Rotten Tomatoes
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