Dead West - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. The story of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make it big in a western film studio and theme park, when a 'new management team' takes over the park and turns the film studio into a fright-fest for the month of Halloween. Haunted by the image of his dead western movie hero, who appears to him on the little screen, Johnny unravels the real intent of management and its opening night 'spectacular', which takes place in the depths of the park's cave.
Dead West - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. The story of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make it big in a western film studio and theme park, when a 'new management team' takes over the park and turns the film studio into a fright-fest for the month of Halloween. Haunted by the image of his dead western movie hero, who appears to him on the little screen, Johnny unravels the real intent of management and its opening night 'spectacular', which takes place in the depths of the park's cave.
Movie details Dead West
Release : 2010-10-09Genre : Action, Horror, Western
Runtime :
Company :
Angelica Celaya | as | Gloria Valenzuela | |
Clint James | as | Actor | |
J.Lyle Johnson | as | Jim | |
Quinn Lavoie-Higgins | as | Craig | |
Roy C. Patterson | as | Dave Springer | |
Emily Pelzer | as | Susan | |
Mike Ranallo | as | Josh | |
Tad Sallee | as | Cave Explorer | |
Jasen Wade | as | Johnny Dust | |
Shannon Whirry | as | Sarah Dust |
Search Result :
Cowboys and Vampires (2010) - IMDb
Dead West - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. The story of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make it big in a western ...
Dead West - or The Rise of the Horror Genre and the Fall of the Western. The story of a western movie actor (Johnny Dust) still trying to make it big in a western ...
Dead West | Facebook
Dead West will screen at the historic Fox Theater in downtown Tucson on Thursday, October 27th as a charity benefit for the Tucson Ad Fed scholarship fund. it's a ...
Dead West will screen at the historic Fox Theater in downtown Tucson on Thursday, October 27th as a charity benefit for the Tucson Ad Fed scholarship fund. it's a ...
DEAD WEST BLU-RAY - Film-Details -
DEAD WEST BLU-RAY (Original Film-Titel der Blu-ray: Dead West) - Alle Infos zur Blu-ray Dead West (USA, 2010) hier bei!
DEAD WEST BLU-RAY (Original Film-Titel der Blu-ray: Dead West) - Alle Infos zur Blu-ray Dead West (USA, 2010) hier bei!
Dead West | Facebook
Dead West Week 3 Status update went really well FIEA! We've got our initial camera controls in engine and are moving right along! Expect some awesome Environment next ...
Dead West Week 3 Status update went really well FIEA! We've got our initial camera controls in engine and are moving right along! Expect some awesome Environment next ...
Dead Rock West - The Band
The Band. The best music tends to hit a listener from seemingly out of nowhere, fully formed and ready to infiltrate the psyche. Of course even the newest discovery ...
The Band. The best music tends to hit a listener from seemingly out of nowhere, fully formed and ready to infiltrate the psyche. Of course even the newest discovery ...
Dead West DVD jetzt bei online bestellen
Filme in groer Auswahl: Jetzt Dead West als DVD online bei Weltbild bestellen. Unser Tipp fr Sie: Bestellungen mit Buch sind bei uns versandkostenfrei!
Filme in groer Auswahl: Jetzt Dead West als DVD online bei Weltbild bestellen. Unser Tipp fr Sie: Bestellungen mit Buch sind bei uns versandkostenfrei!
Dead West (2005) - IMDb
It's the late 1800's, the old West. After being bucked from her horse, Elizabeth wanders the woods in search of help. Injured and disoriented, she staggers into a ...
It's the late 1800's, the old West. After being bucked from her horse, Elizabeth wanders the woods in search of help. Injured and disoriented, she staggers into a ...
Dead Rock West - NEWS
We promise, there is a lot of news on the horizon about the next DRW record, but in the meantime here's a little article mentioning Cindy's involvement in the new ...
We promise, there is a lot of news on the horizon about the next DRW record, but in the meantime here's a little article mentioning Cindy's involvement in the new ...
Dead West | Stream auf
Die Stimmung im modernen Westernstdtchen in der Wste von Arizona war schon mal besser. Doch die Besucherzahlen sind rcklufig und nun hat auch noch ein ...
Die Stimmung im modernen Westernstdtchen in der Wste von Arizona war schon mal besser. Doch die Besucherzahlen sind rcklufig und nun hat auch noch ein ...
Dead West Trailer - YouTube
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Sign in with your Google Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add Stevefischer32 's video to your playlist.
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